another nightmare and I remember b… in bed, poised in between two worl… of dreams, the who Am i and the S… in wonder of this place i found my… A stranger in strange land without…
as if as if... bygones were bygones and refilled carriages fresh cut’s bleeding could cover a stitch
Last night an angel told me to fly… Through where there is no fire. That what has been suffered stays… and in prayers, I never died.
Small devils, demons, angels soull… Inhabit nether worlds avoid the li… Today they weave their webs in cyb… Vicarious they are another race We worked and played in stark real…
I wrote a poem about love and It read itself and sneered, yanked the pencil out of my hand, flipped the eraser tip into suicide grip and rubbed
In the mirror I saw an angel weep… I tried but I couldn’t avert my e… I realized too late No one is perfect no matter how ha… I realized the reflection in the m…
who do they think they are my fami… the one i was born into the one I got blood traces to in p… parts of me look around with disda… and wonder why am i
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call y… but I couldn’t fight it I guess I was weak and couldn’t e… and so I surrender just to hear yo… I know how many times I said I’m…
Hear God’s call, see the doors open wide, feel the power of the voices, reaching a crescendo, overpowering your senses,
I didn’t know what sadness meant, I didn’t know what tears meant, These tears that make me cry, I d… I knew only about affection, tende… Because ever since I was little,
Para amar realmente a una mujer y para entenderla, tienes que conocerla profundamente, escuchar cada pensamiento. Ver cada sueño y darle alas cuando ella quiere volar. Entonces cuando t...
Sitting in a very dark room with no windows and no light; my hand holds a small slender candle, the flame flickers softly. The only thing fanning the flame is my breath while I sit and ...
Fingers grazing up your sides, watching you squirm and worm, and wiggle. Your laughter rings like bells, your joking threats as well. You twist and whirl but nothing doing, I’ve got y...
By the time I’ve finished thinkin… I think, therefore I exist I am not who I was before three months ago. So I thought,
Hurting Hurting Hurting So deep inside Breaking