The Nature of Hate
He hated that bloody man with vengance
No he couldn’t stand the sight of that man
All of his snide idiosyncracies he loathed
His foibles, follies and antics he detested
His irritating whiny voice grated his nerves
And his stupid ugly face really wound him up
So he wanted to whack it with a cricket bat
His pathetic attire was dire, gordy and nerdy
How he hated this loathsome low down scum
He was a vile hated creature crawling thru mire
Yes he hated this this snivelling pathetic toad
He was much lower n more vile a dan a rattle snake
A mere diseased worm trodden in to the fetid
Excrement of a rabid fox by a poxed up hyena
He wasn’t worth the steam off da shit of a disgusting
Drunken puke covered tramp with gonhorrea
He had less morals than a drugged up syphlitic whore
Worse was he, and more hideous than the lepers of old
He hated wi his whole putrid heart this odious man
But his hate of this man was a reflection of his own soul
For when you hate others you hate your sen n all men
For all hate, is nothing more but self hate n bad energy
He cut him self deep as he shaved looking in the mirror
His hate n self loathing had caused him to draw blood
His hate oozed out, hate, anger, violence and unhappiness