The Veil
I kno a lady who covers her face . . . She wears a veil . . . Nothing to do with religion or bilief . . . It doesnt make her feel more pious . . . Nor is she forced to wear it . . By ideology or by any man . . . But she wears it coz . . . she cant stand the wind on her face . . . Its breeze is so painful . . . Her nerves burn white pain with the wind . . . Her nueralgia flares up . . . This hijab like scarf is her protector . . . She works as a verger . . . And certainly is no muslim . . . We shouldnt stop any one . . . from covering their face . . . . for the person who objects . . . can never truely know . . . the reason why the veil is worn. . . Some would object to the lady with neuralgia wearning a veil . . And might even call her names . . . Til they realised the reason . . . How could any one object? . . . so lets show others compassion . . . respect their choice . . . as It’s really none of our business.