Nosferatu Child Blood Curse
In the dark whilst they sleep
Innocents acast upon dreams
Sweet serene lullaby dreams
Of unicorns, and of rainbows
Sandcastles, animals and birds
By the glow of a dim nighlight
With stealth, care and caution
Like a vampire, like nosfaratu
Come to stork their child prey
Like a sanguine thirsty leach
Come for that precious blood
For blood, for blood, they come
In the middle of the quiet night
With blood testing kit in hand
Checkin t’daughters’ bloodsugar
To see if high or low it might be
A vital check that must be done
If hyper and the score is high
Bolus of insulin is administered
If low a sugary drink is sought
Quickly poured down their necks
So all is well and danger avoided
It must be done we seek the blood
Like vampires are we, bloodtesters
Nosferstu parents testing children
Battling the curse of child diabetes
Because we love our sweet daughters