Mars Bilters

Continuation of a Crooked Cannabis Law

Why was the noble cannabis plant banned?
Why is this herb law maintained diligently?
An edict implemented by long dead people
A tyrannical decision prohibiting pot flower
A conspiracy decades old forbids hashish
Herb threatens the foundations of babilon
Benign green substance of healing therapy
By ganjah’s very nature she brings freedom
Bestowing liberty of mind and free thought
Cannabis is the great spiritual eye opener
Ganjah provides for all man’s varied needs
Weed threatens babilon greedy enterprises
Destabilisin’ their world control an’ evil hold
The descendents of them who banned herb
Still profiteer from their unnatural pot plots
They maintain this law till they monopolise
Cannabis production, supply an’ distribution
Cultivating herb in the guise of medications
But then deny cannabis therapeutic values
For greed they export dear cannabis extract
Yet maintain a herb ban for vested interests
The prison industry, booze and big pharma
Benefit from a cannabis ban and wage war
Sanctioned by government bereft of honour
Why is a defunct herb law still maintained?
Because of greed, control and conspiracies
Verily it is why noble cannabis was banned

Other works by Mars Bilters...
