Mars Bilters

holocsust of the unemployeedd, sick and crippl

Democide of the working class hypocondriacs

holocaust of the unemployed, sick and crippled
house and flats stood empty due to financial unjust penalty
eviction notices pinned to doors, harassment due to arrears
tenants on wheels and crutches hauled up before the beak
more debt, charged for the discomfort of a court appointment
worry, stress, sleepless nights, nightmares, slepless despair
bedroom tax not just paid with fiscal deprevation but tears
anxiety, woe and forbodding about losing shelter and security
the loss of home, house and roof, all coz of poky spare bedrooms
trapped unable to move, been dumped in this rundown mansion
this neighbourhood of poverty and depression is all I have
all I have ever had, this mean depressed northern town of Yorkshire
I’m proud, I’ve worked, I’m human, I bled, and laugh like everyone
take away our work, our education, our money, food and heating
freeze us to death, then we need not be a burden, take our homes
we are poor you think we deserve not the luxury of a spare room
we all abhore homelessness, and we have given to shelter and big issue
yet now we face the loss of our home, evicted with meager possessions
a life on the street, cardboard abode for the cripple as a temporary home
we pay national insurance and taxes but deserve zip, working class plebs
free labour to stack shelves paid wi out of date food banks, and no thanks
squash the poor, stamp on the disabled rights, work em to death, flog em
hit unwashed poor plebs with constant high taxes, drain their resistance
let them eat stale cake and shiver, while politicians eat gold flaked caviar
and a fat cat is paid millions, he deserves to be cosy warm, nice and rich
what does it matter if OAPs die of pneumonia, and painful arthritic shiver
as long as cogs in the capitalistic machine generate taxes and more profit
and the robotic workers don’t complain, and turn against the sick and cripple
that is until misfortune visits them and the boss and state turn against them
what does it matter if the unemployable live in a hovel and often go hungry
it matters not if disabled commit suicide, ConDems fink they’re subhuman
withdraw benefits so children go hungry, and the sick feel the biting cold
whilst the rich are toasty warm, drowning in money and many spare rooms
what does it matter if austerity and cuts is the continuation of genocide
the holocaust of the lame, insane, workers on the scrap heap, and retards
let the poor live in ghettos, fight over work, and food, and distrust each other
let crime be rife, prostitution and unemployment ubiquitous and everyday
let them drown in pay day loanz, give em wonga, so the financiers get rich
the poor in debt, charge the poor more for their bleedin token energy meters
ever more debt so we can strip them of their gold and assests, and enslave
if they will not comply or are a burden, we will crush them with penalties
we will flog them to death, deprive them of shelter, for the benefit of all
It is not genocide of paupers, but survival of elite privilge, and ruling classes


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