Choose Normality Over a Tyranny of Fear
By design the world tis rapidly changing
Both scarcity and poverty are engineered
Chaos, confusion and media mind game
Are used to control the ignorant masses
Lies and fake news have been spread far
Deceit has become state sponsered truth
Deceptions fuels the currency of tyranny
The consequence is daily human carnage
A waste of the potential of the oppressed
The downtrodden just collateral damage
Human fodder feeds a tyrannical machine
Painful suffering the foundation of society
The vulnerable and old but political pawns
The game of government is divide and rule
Sacrifice the plebs to save state corruption
Money and control come before human life
A sour Queen hoards workers sweet honey
There is not an equal distribution of wealth
The times are challenging coz of their plans
Turbulent times is the agenda of state greed
Creating debt slaves, criminality and austerity
Humanity is in shackles by self imposed fear
A return to normality is the only logical answer
We cannot be intimidated by a tyrannical state
For goin about our business and living our lives