Mars Bilters

I Thirst Therefore I Am

An Ode to the Ramadhan.

First Burst This Tearse Thirst
This thirst is worst and cant be quenched
Hour by hour the thirst grows and grows
Minute by minute this dry thirst, it rages
Day by day this thirst grows much stronger
Like a dry lake this thirst does not abate
As snowflakes in a desert are soon melted
This thirst is like an ocean without water
Drop by drop the dryness does not stop
Cotton mouth like a hot and dry river bed
Water water every where but not a drop
Nor a drop of pop to drink nor to slurp
H2O there is no flow nor splash nor drop
Drip drip this thirst is a trip down a stream
It’s a dry scream, it sure is very thirsty work
Quaff some squash or some juice or liquid
Water water sustainer of life, water is life
Rife with twice hydrogen and some oxygen
A glass of water at sunset is such a pleasure
To quench first a fast thirst without measure
A thirst for life, a thirst for love, a great thirst
A thirst for learning, a thirst for happy laughter
A thirst for fine art, culture, music and poetry
A thirst for happiness, a thirst for holy water


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