Even though I know I probably won’t Be able To read That... tomorrow...
Little fishy, in your bowl trapped by the glass that holds your water - your life so like my body
I feel like the earth is exploding around me and it can’t be stopped scarred - everything is a mirage someone tell me whats real where are you? Where am I?
Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
Sometimes we have to fall so that we can
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into
Thinking of you is always part of my day Wishing you were here there is so much I want to say
What we forget Is our own control That we control Our own lives I let you
I could feel it creeping it crept inside deep into the shadows illuminated, breathless my body ached for more
I see you I want you, to know to follow me, to follow
I was someplace Long ago Small town It’s all black & white They’re going
Little lizard lisps I watch the tip of your tongue I want to feel your tongue slightly peak from your lips as you speak to me
Did I figure it out was the answer always right there? Did I always somehow know
The soft blood trickled as it fell it was like a faucet with a slow leak dripping My mind went blank