Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
She tried to climb out slow but her love for a man was quickening her journey the little man with the purple gui… was playing her song
I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
OHHHH!!! I’m so past this girl caring I’m in this limbo
Guy - Scorpio tattoo, birth sign?
Everyone needs My love He needed My love So I gave it
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
I felt the hands of heaven Reached down and Put you into my arms I felt like that is where You are supposed to stay
I must collect myself for I am slipping
Look maybe I don’t know don’t
Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
Burning the midnight oil needs one gasoline Standing tall waiting for you with my feathers
Snowing here Just like when I was there with you when I met you the first time
Just before it strikes a new day, lesser than the 3rd day... I have the gift of insight and I… I get to see things that other peo… .maybe that’s enough,