I have an answer for the liquid spills
I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
I just want to get back let me
There is energy from some place like the desert
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
What’s Real Are You Real
Snowing here Just like when I was there with you when I met you the first time
Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
So hot... So cold... Open up, Then close down tight Can I really hear...
Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
I want you Just like a drug Feed me I need more Insatiable appetite
Who am I... But this old birdhouse Teetering Over the sea Waving around
I starred into the black fiery depths of hell the flame was glowing from behind their walls and the smoke rose from above
There was Something So surreal About Washing
Burning the midnight oil needs one gasoline Standing tall waiting for you with my feathers