Heat, hate flowed over Like a fever I felt it in waves Like that of the ocean The tears dripped
Not a Monet... Can’t repeat never the same scene nigh will
Sexy machine pumping iron yet knew how to breathe worldly
Crazy voices seap through the walls telling me what I don’t care to hear nevermind,
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
Sometimes... I realize I want to share more
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
The soft blood trickled as it fell it was like a faucet with a slow leak dripping My mind went blank
When would you decide? They were all waiting... I was waiting The problem I refused to settle
*How long a minute is just depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on... *I’m all sugar, sugary it doesn’t matter the
Dancer, Dance under the pale lit moon To the aging familiar tune While daisies die
As the smoke lingered on her lips she wondered....of her lover where his words true? Did he mean the things he spoke of… Could it be real, could it be true…
Sometimes, I forget to cross my T’s you know to dot my i’s Does that change everything
Spinning... my stomach was turning laps like some careful swimmers waves flowed over my face trying to swallow I used my arm to shove them away
This wonderful feeling you’ve left me with I’m a stranger to this comfort Yet I miss you,