O.C. Bearheart

Full Tears, Empty House

For old people who lose one another

Ignore the tears that, in rivers, cascade.
Give not your attention to my woes outwardly;
For alas, selfish tears could na’er offer aide,
And neither would kind words or actions from thee.
For though empty be these halls and silent these rooms,
Is a home not a home if an owner is amiss?
Deep within, the dust has settled 'round my heart’s creaking loom:
The beats, spindling and home were once shelters of bliss.
An audience of spiders finds leisure amongst their threads
Though no breaths or footsteps sound, no voice holds in refrain;
These walls shelter insects now, and cold, forsaken beds.
Naught but the echoes of memories still remain.
Were you not taken from me thus,
Oh, if years of laughter had we still,
So then would the dust and spiders applaud us,
And this empty house we would fill.


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