My sister’s cookies Chocolate chip Got my nephew to Say her name For the first time
Hillary’s beautiful Rose Bumpy’s favorite princess My mini-me, my little lion Cute button nose Framed by red hair
Does the world need Another book? Another poem? I add one more to the pile To be left alone
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace
Her fingernails Natural Long Pointed On fingers
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
To be a true artist Must they be recluses Crazy mad or sick Or even better dead Show me a healthy artist
The pressure inside Is building It comes out through my eyes I stop up the tears It comes out through my nose
I crave stability Neither wandering spirit Nor home-body Yes I’d love to travel But the foundation
Mis manchas de Bambi Manchas blancas Cubren mi cuerpo La gente se queda mirando Pero no les da asco
¿Te duele Cuándo piques tu dedo? No Lo hago por pura diversión Lo que duele
My body is perfect —ly spotted The white spots I tell myself Are my Bambi spots
Look in the mirror What is it you see? Hazel eyes above your Favorite black dress Looks clean and fresh
Most women are cooks But a man who cooks Is a chef She cooks over and over To feed the masses
Would I rather be A younger me? More productive Stronger Would i have to give up