Who’s the best? Ask my Daddy He’ll tell you Enthusiastically He always sees
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
I enjoy his company Riding shotgun Conversation No one to overhear Our inside jokes
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
Inspirational quotes Are full of crap Whatever meaning Is lost In the sea
You must commit To an outfit Where are you going? In sporty yoga pants Athletic top
I am a consumer Female Twenties I buy Cheap clothes and lattes
No hay nada más sincero Que un regalo Inesperado Una carta Un chocolate
A family trait Massage Is our vice No shame Take what
To be genius means To not follow the rules You don’t have to I wish to be smart But not self-important
Why do we love sunsets? Distinguishing fascination What other species Must stop and stare A romantic couple
It’s not pretty When I cry People get almost as embarrassed as I
To love reading Writing and words And not be able to Communicate Frustrated
Didn’t they know that people cared? That they were loved? Why didn’t someone tell them?