We are all searching for our identity, and that identity can change. But everyone seems to think that they are groundbreaking mavericks marching to their own tune, and humanity repeats itself all over. We are all philosophers :)
It’s not pretty When I cry People get almost as embarrassed as I
Your pain is far away I hear it But I do not feel it Move closer Let me know you’re here to stay
The whole world Aches and groans Do you feel her pain? The human in me Wants to heal mankind
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
The pressure inside Is building It comes out through my eyes I stop up the tears It comes out through my nose
Life is good A little luxury A cup of coffee Served with toast Consumed lazily
Mis manchas de Bambi Manchas blancas Cubren mi cuerpo La gente se queda mirando Pero no les da asco
A fresh faced country girl Who pioneers on her bicycle Catches the eye Of a transplant from Houston Love begins through letters
Well-intentioned stranger Eyeing me limp through HEB Why would you ask If I stepped on a nail? How do you know
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
Yo te amo Tres palabras Que solucionen todo Para la mujer Tan complicada
Que te cuentan un chiste Las palabras se traducen Pero el humor no se puede Por si no lo entiendes Ríete
The pine trees Reach up On both sides Of the road Telling me
Itchy It has to come off Nerves Makes me pick His look
Would I rather be A younger me? More productive Stronger Would i have to give up