Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
Traffic Irritation becomes a nightmare As the lines start to squiggle Bending in and out And the world starts its attack
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
The pressure inside Is building It comes out through my eyes I stop up the tears It comes out through my nose
I look away Afraid to see Flicker of nerves In their eye A clench
Good secret Bubbles inside Let me out Bad secret Indigestion
Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
How do I Catch your interest? Once again I know You are bored with me
It’s not that I’m sad Though I am It’s not that I’m discouraged Though I am It soaks deeper
Apathy and incompetence In healthcare A fax they didn’t send Prescriptions delayed Labs to do again
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
How do you measure pain? All is relative and personal Even with one’s own self It is impossible to compare As memory distorts pain
¿Te duele Cuándo piques tu dedo? No Lo hago por pura diversión Lo que duele
Water Beach pools and fountains Rivers creeks and waterfalls The sound The feel Floating Weightless
Turkey and dressing Loud and overwhelming Opinions and food fly Green bean casserole Too much laughter