Also known as suppertime
What if one day I wasn’t there for you? And you were left needing me If I wasn’t there When you woke up
Pragmatic me Doesn’t like this girl You can’t depend on her Too complex to understand She cries at the worst times
Nothing makes people flee Like reading them poetry They value it in theory But please don’t make them read Surprise me with your verse
Blonde eyes To match her hair Life is mean She counts her blessings Hopes for the best
Your pain is far away I hear it But I do not feel it Move closer Let me know you’re here to stay
Your enthusiasm exhausts me This coke is flat The bubbles disperse Leaving a sticky and sweet Aftertaste
I cannot let you hold my happiness For your hand to caress or to drop It is not healthy It is not safe For your happiness to depend on an… I’m taking it back but no longer r…
I don’t expect Diabetes education For the public But chances are You know one
Strong hands Hold me down To the bed I say to them I have to go
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
My body is perfect —ly spotted The white spots I tell myself Are my Bambi spots
Her fingernails Natural Long Pointed On fingers
¿Te duele Cuándo piques tu dedo? No Lo hago por pura diversión Lo que duele
I do not enjoy roller coasters I am not chicken But they say You just have to try it! So I do
Hospitality To love a stranger It need not be much For one who has little Will appreciate it