Proverbs 13:12 'Expectation postponed makes the heart sick'
Hospitality To love a stranger It need not be much For one who has little Will appreciate it
Inspirational quotes Are full of crap Whatever meaning Is lost In the sea
Love is sincere Sincerely Wanting to connect Love makes you crazy Insanity that makes you fly
I spend all my time Fighting with you In my head If we fought At least it would be
Bags full of diapers Cars waiting in line Smell coming from the load Ashamed it was mine He noticed my insulin pump
This world is covered in bias It’s all over you It’s all over me too This world is covered in bias It shades our words
Uh-Oh! Cranky mood Throws a fit Over cereal Cheerios
No hay nada más sincero Que un regalo Inesperado Una carta Un chocolate
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
The teenage rebels All fall in line Be they hippies Goths, rockers or skaters Moving from one mould
I don’t expect Diabetes education For the public But chances are You know one
An idea In my head Falls flat On paper Read it
Desperate for his attention Knowing it will drive him away Jealous of a game - how lame Choking self-esteem where I lay Desperate for his affection
My parents always say We’re proud of you I am too I got out of bed I used to get so much done
I cannot let you hold my happiness For your hand to caress or to drop It is not healthy It is not safe For your happiness to depend on an… I’m taking it back but no longer r…