My body is perfect —ly spotted The white spots I tell myself Are my Bambi spots
If I could paint a man Eyes so dark they shine Brooding and stormy Til the smile breaks through If I could paint a man
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
I need to tell you How to survive With our disposition It’s okay to cry Maybe
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
I know it’s for the best But it still hurts Hearing mothers complain For what I would give anything fo… My husband says no
I will be Forever in debt To my mother Any gift Would come up short
¿Te fue mal el día? Me va mal también a mi Dos vidas entretejidas Irrevocablemente Te cargo a ti encima
No pido disculpas Por escribir Lo que siento Lo que llevo adentro Lo que vivo
Stubbed toe Red light Ugly words Ugly mouth To shock
To be a true artist Must they be recluses Crazy mad or sick Or even better dead Show me a healthy artist
Pragmatic me Doesn’t like this girl You can’t depend on her Too complex to understand She cries at the worst times
I wallow in my sadness As it pools up It has not swallowed me Who floats above its surface This surface
He says I could never Get away with murder For I leave Pieces of me everywhere
How do you measure pain? All is relative and personal Even with one’s own self It is impossible to compare As memory distorts pain