Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
A healthy pancreas Is like a transmission Seamlessly shifting gears In type 2 diabetics Wear and tear
The more you treat me like a nag The more I become one I’m sorry if I micromanage Your clean clothes Your hot meals
How do I Catch your interest? Once again I know You are bored with me
Well-intentioned stranger Eyeing me limp through HEB Why would you ask If I stepped on a nail? How do you know
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
I am a consumer Female Twenties I buy Cheap clothes and lattes
Pretty and dainty Rich girl feet Meant to be Beside the pool They don’t like to work
Strong hands Hold me down To the bed I say to them I have to go
Bags full of diapers Cars waiting in line Smell coming from the load Ashamed it was mine He noticed my insulin pump
¿Te duele Cuándo piques tu dedo? No Lo hago por pura diversión Lo que duele
How do you describe A man so dramatic? You can recognize him From afar with his hat Always the gentleman
When I think of my mom I think of malt o meal muffins When I think of my dad Memories of a child Chasing us around the circle
The human heart ...leaps and jumps ...races and sings ...sighs and groans The treacherous heart can
Blonde eyes To match her hair Life is mean She counts her blessings Hopes for the best