Algunos me gusta compartir Calientitos Justo cuando salgan del horno Que no se enfríe Por eso lo escribí
To love reading Writing and words And not be able to Communicate Frustrated
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
Manos fuertes No me sueltan De la cama Yo les digo Me tengo que ir
An idea In my head Falls flat On paper Read it
Does it hurt? When you prick your finger No I do this just for fun Our fingers lose feeling
Mis manchas de Bambi Manchas blancas Cubren mi cuerpo La gente se queda mirando Pero no les da asco
Does the world need Another book? Another poem? I add one more to the pile To be left alone
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
My soft spot My sweet boy I’d do anything for Who convinced me Little boys are the best
When the emotion comes up It feels like heartburn Like acid Clenching my throat My ears go watery
I struggle to Keep it together Maxims and mottoes On repeat In my mind
If I was in a beauty pageant My talent would be 'Lefty who writes upside-down’ Beside the contestant Who burps her ABC’s
I am unique In so many ways But while variety excites What we look for Is our common thread
Desperate for his attention Knowing it will drive him away Jealous of a game - how lame Choking self-esteem where I lay Desperate for his affection