What a great fool of me, thinking… It hurts to my core those things y… I wonder... Has always been like this, like an… Something inside breaks down littl…
She was an infant slayer, she broke his heart to fix the damage of his unspoken demons. She knew he was hurt, she knew he was dying inside, but he didn’t
Behind those walls of pure content… Lost hopes, heavily breathing, unsteady. I walk around that city’s flaws,
Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
Recuerdo aquella tarde... Fría, desvelada. ¡Ay cómo decías mi amor! La vida mía. Caminatas por doquier y aún aquell…
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
Yes, I too have been alone. It killed me at times. But yet I learned my lessons. This is their best times to teach… the humans,
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
Here I am, waiting. You’re welcome to come and enter t… It burns, my soul is my dearest fr… Only you can send those rays of pu… My love, yes you are.
You wraped me around your waist.… Find me there in those sticky note… Keep me inside, sealed me, carry me.
You can be the change. You can be the difference in a per… Don’t doubt it. Shift your focus, empower yourself… Create your journey.
All I ask to the heavens is to fr… This corrupted life, this profound… I hate myself for this human body,… This person around me that seem to… nothing... nada.
Foolish heart not to know better. You, the breaking impostor, the da… The collateral damage is expected,… A little light saying hello. The most remarkable piece of heave…
You and me rolling around. I might. Entertainment of this mind. Your freedom with mine. No wonder… This grassy grass is all we have.
How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…