From hereditary heart, we stole the past, come light, come light. All we are is different opinions. You that, me where?
You, me... ours. You can’t, you won’t take that fro… What is mine is mine... you can’t… what you think is yours. I gave it all to us... you stood t…
Yes, I too have been alone. It killed me at times. But yet I learned my lessons. This is their best times to teach… the humans,
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
I need you to look inside, very deeply, and see. Take a look at the puzzle of your… look at those mistakes,
I tried and tried to stand up and… As I looked at him with wonder. He faded, from himself. I was deep down researching my hea… Crazy me too.
What the hell? What’s going on? I see them, the fakers I mean. All the glam, but empty space. Flash, Flash, Flashes.
Do you feel my love? I want you to know that every part… Somehow, you, my darling, stole my… Why? Only the heavens know. But thanks…
Recuerdo aquella tarde... Fría, desvelada. ¡Ay cómo decías mi amor! La vida mía. Caminatas por doquier y aún aquell…
Beautiful to see. Playful thoughts, just relax. Open minded, clear. Don’t worry about the past. Don’t worry about yourself.
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
I crossed your path at the perfect… call it fate, call it inescapablen… The one I waited for so long, I just want to hold you since befo… My willingness to be around your s…
My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
No soy de dónde nací, mucho menos… Desde este prisma puedo observar a… Soy la quimera y el desencanto. Soy una niña que espera, eso tan q… Si me derrumbo, vuelvo y me levant…
Tell them before I go, that I was… In the eyes of many lovers, in the… Tell them I danced in the rain an… Tell them I was free, the chains… Tell them I loved, hated, all the…