Y yo que te ame tanto! Estupida mi conciencia, bajo la guardia mi ser. Que triste amarte lejano. Que pereza en el corazon.
Tell them before I go, that I was… In the eyes of many lovers, in the… Tell them I danced in the rain an… Tell them I was free, the chains… Tell them I loved, hated, all the…
The rising sun reminds me of those… Forever. Word for the ignorance that there… Forever, I love you forever. I might be able to change it to “u…
You are in me like the depth of the oceans, clear, vivid. Feeling the furious yet delicate waves of your touch, holding my being, giving me asurance, truthfully, radiants rainbows arise...
Life is up and down still, I have open a treasure ches… I look all that is done it had take me like forever to kee… This is the chase
At the end who will be there, In a corner, Waiting so perfectly patient, With eyes filled with hopes. Who’s the one that will care as mu…
Tonight in the wind I hear your heartbeat, it says, no matter wher… you are I am you. What a dazzlingly perfect harmony, this two orquestarse between the
Me caso. Sí, me caso. Me entrego por completo, aún aquellas complejidades que abo… Doy un paso.
All that we had, all that is lost,… Do not bring yourself this burden… Be aware of your mistakes, but don… May love flourish into your world… You deserve better and much more.
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…
Y lo sé, porque desde el comienzo de lo eterno, estamos conectados. Sí, cómo ves, tú y yo, somos uno con todo y todos. La especial esencia del universo entero que nos dirige. No te sorp...
Hold my circumference, whole and p… You, the one that saves me every d… You, the one who knows something i… You the only one who waits patient… My dear you, you’re my favorite pl…
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
Can you say you love me? How true you’ll be? Can you say you love me? Or am I just a fool. This heart is always good at loosi…
No seguiré buscando, dónde solo ex… No puedo ser esa, suplicando razon… Gracias por el tiempo entregado. Gracias por ser lección. Ahora te suelto, por el bien de lo…