My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
And the night comes... In the midst of a new broken day, Telling a story that is no wonder, It comes with my hopes high. We are just a blow of heaven,
This is the short story of when I… Nothing quite elegant, nothing qui… I have to say that I hated those… Later on, I missed your way of be… For that, I missed your stupid fa…
Hold my circumference, whole and p… You, the one that saves me every d… You, the one who knows something i… You the only one who waits patient… My dear you, you’re my favorite pl…
The light’s off but it’s daylight. Driving to normal, but nothing cle… This demons are fighting against m… Stay away– I say Leave me alone –I reply
With a whisper of heaven she will… For she is the roots. The soils. The flowers. The moist skin.
Tonight in the wind I hear your heartbeat, it says, no matter wher… you are I am you. What a dazzlingly perfect harmony, this two orquestarse between the
This world is filled with nothing… An idea we all are, learning our o… Accept and embrace who you are, wh… The road is located in the illusio… Mark your steps with your light.
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…
Please tell her, don’t be sorry. The truth shall set her free. Tell her she is the glory, of the fighting within.
That road goes east, blurry, burning. Me and you in the middle, Searching for purposes to Feel alive.
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
I tried so hard to be what I’m no… To see myself in the eyes of a str… But no, haven’t felt real enough,… I ask to the heavens in a desperat… I fight with this corpse
Buy this buy that, what a stranger this time is. What you feel, nobody cares. The status is engaged with materia…
At the end who will be there, In a corner, Waiting so perfectly patient, With eyes filled with hopes. Who’s the one that will care as mu…