Yes, I know that smell. This is all over again. The color of ending things, the coldest day, burning tears.
Wait for me up there, but wait. I’ll be entering that space where… I’m looking for you as I know you… Hold on, I’m walking, enyoing my… This has been a journey of loosing…
You can see it, this place is yours. Change the order, with the glows. Look up,
I question you my sweet love why you are so afraid. To feel this passion runnig trough… Come, kiss my hole. Kiss me free.
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…
Quiero que me ames en cuerpo y alm… Quiero abrazarte aún cuando estés… Quiero decirte al oído que te amo… Quiero y quiero que paso a paso, n… Quiero saber cómo estás y cuando n…
Do you feel my love? I want you to know that every part… Somehow, you, my darling, stole my… Why? Only the heavens know. But thanks…
I crossed your path at the perfect… call it fate, call it inescapablen… The one I waited for so long, I just want to hold you since befo… My willingness to be around your s…
We draw the way our way. With open eyes and open heart. In the deepest darkest moments, we… This world upon us, the race, the… In the verses that comerse the bes…
I am the lightning, the fire. I am the start of my life. I am rising to the universe, I am gliding over hates.
He is like raindrops, that gives a… A mosaic of imperfections, but col… His heart is warm, tender and lovi… That touch is soft as the calming… This heart, my heart, waits patien…
Dime tú, cómo vas por la vida. Por mi parte, ya tengo esta risa t… Que no ves que arden, tus palabras… Aún así, mi amor por ti fue sincer… No sé que piensas,
I need you to look inside, very deeply, and see. Take a look at the puzzle of your… look at those mistakes,
A primera vista supe cómo pasaría todo, serías mío unos momentos, ma… te perdería luego, trasnochado; de… que no dan valor al fuego. ¡Cállate! le gritaba la vida a est…
You oh dammed. Never mind of that stupid game. This life is so great to be wasted… on that stupid little face. I am not sorry to say goodbye.