Please stop talking, shut down all… I don’t need you, no more than I… Step aside, get back. You had a flower, but you didn’t k… You had me, but you didn’t knew ho…
A veces cuesta mucho entender aque… No importa que. Nos cuesta, porque sentimos. Porque amamos. Hasta porqué no amamos.
Rise upon your fears. With the strength of a thunderstor… You are light and love, nothing ca… This is the times, We must, we must, we must create m…
Please don’t give up on you. You are so beautiful no matter the… Keep going, step by step, nobody r… So stand straight, go on. The sun is waiting to shine upon y…
This is the world I dream about. A world filled with light, love an… One joined with the ONE, a world without fears, were humankind can be free.
I saw your entire hell. I really don’t know what the hell. If it was you or me. But the chaos of daring flowed int… Little baby, little boy.
The rising sun reminds me of those… Forever. Word for the ignorance that there… Forever, I love you forever. I might be able to change it to “u…
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.
The first time I saw your corps A song traveled trough my veins. I do love your sidekick smile. The one who waves as an illusion. I dont free fall, I do love all o…
Si tan sólo pudieras verte desde e… Tú, mi pilar, mi pronto auxilio an… Si tan solo te vieras desde esta n… Desde mis primeros pasos, hasta la… Intento no entrar en melodrama, aú…
What are you? Who are you? Maybe just a ray of sunshine tryin… What tell me, you are so stubbornly perfect that…
What the hell? What’s going on? I see them, the fakers I mean. All the glam, but empty space. Flash, Flash, Flashes.
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.
Y lo sé, porque desde el comienzo de lo eterno, estamos conectados. Sí, cómo ves, tú y yo, somos uno con todo y todos. La especial esencia del universo entero que nos dirige. No te sorp...
He gave her the sky in a glance. She loved him even when he did’nt… He gave her all he could, from the silver moon, to the sweet surprise.