No, it’s not you it’s me. Me, the one that can hold on to th… Me, the one that loves you to the… No, it’s not you at all. It’s me.
You have to fight they say, you need to be a warrior. Stand still they say, your head ha… Dream of joy, run away. Luck is a shame, footsteps ahead.
Se ha opacado la lumbre, cómo mirar el alba con este vacío inerte, contigo venciendo el abatimiento de los años. Tú obra magistral en este gran teatro, nos evoca a emitir, la última ova...
I know you think of me. In those days were nothing makes s… I know you tryout to get rid of th… putting my time in the corner of y… I might be your biggest mistake
Me iría lejos. A otra luna. Mirar nuevos colores. Y ser yo. No.
Con los cabellos sal y pimienta, que denotan su esencia. No sé bien el misterio que guarde usted en su pecho, más seguro sé, que su abrazo debe de ser un cuento. Tómelo por estima, este...
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
We stand, we go, we come back... nothing matters. We meet up, with you, with them, w… If you don’t know how to be alone.… We can have it all, conquering the…
Behind those walls of pure content… Lost hopes, heavily breathing, unsteady. I walk around that city’s flaws,
I saw an invasion, not quite sure what it’s the purpo… Life’s dropping manners, life giving up. Sunrise is bizarre, how this got t…
Soñé que me iba. A las horas tristes, con un boleto… También lo vi viviéndome. Riesgos de carcajadas y alevosía. Que bonito, que perfecta armonía,…
Only this person who you create yo… Not more, not less. All the void shows, the blank spac… This game has started. Yes, it’s on.
Vagabundo queda el cuento, el tal… Ayer me tocó darme cuenta. Ví mi vida sola a tu lado, triste estampa para un corazón que… Que perplejo la visión del nunca f…
There are no right words for me to… you are mine and I am yours. Words seem blind, meaningless when speaking of this… The sky is ashamed because of your…
Please stop talking, shut down all… I don’t need you, no more than I… Step aside, get back. You had a flower, but you didn’t k… You had me, but you didn’t knew ho…