Betrayal is like a sharp knife. You can not heal the wounds that i… The one your heart one chooses, th… You lick and lick the opened wound… Betrayal is the most oldest way of…
I tried so hard to be what I’m no… To see myself in the eyes of a str… But no, haven’t felt real enough,… I ask to the heavens in a desperat… I fight with this corpse
Se ha opacado la lumbre, cómo mirar el alba con este vacío inerte, contigo venciendo el abatimiento de los años. Tú obra magistral en este gran teatro, nos evoca a emitir, la última ova...
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…
You are what you want to be. You have it already. That dream is coming true. That love will find you. You are so powerful.
I stand at the other side, the wip… Let me grab the time, give back my sanity. You do not deserve my anything. Stand aside I’m coming through,
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
That road goes east, blurry, burning. Me and you in the middle, Searching for purposes to Feel alive.
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.
I crossed your path at the perfect… call it fate, call it inescapablen… The one I waited for so long, I just want to hold you since befo… My willingness to be around your s…
Before you go let me kiss you in t… Wash off our nights in love, our f… Above the surface are the hearts h… Let me before you go, vacate the s…
I saw your entire hell. I really don’t know what the hell. If it was you or me. But the chaos of daring flowed int… Little baby, little boy.
Me conoces más que nadie y te he f… No sé cómo hacer para allegarme a… No importa el tiempo que nos hemos… Soy humana, ya lo sé. Lo que digan, lo olvide.
Even though I crossed that path, patiently, grateful, bold, you let me fall on the ground. There, where nothing grows, where we are left behind. I saw you at first and tears ran down, t...
All you are is true. Truest as the skies and the wind. You being yourself is a great gift… don’t doubt that fact. Mistake you are not.