Daphne knows, with equal ease, How to vex, and how to please; But the folly of her sex Makes her sole delight to vex. Never woman more devised
Ye Commons and Peers, Pray lend me your ears, I’ll sing you a song, (if I can,) How Lewis le Grand Was put to a stand,
Of all inhabitants on earth, To man alone I owe my birth, And yet the cow, the sheep, the be… Are all my parents more than he: I, a virtue, strange and rare,
Observe the dying father speak: Try, lads, can you this bundle bre… Then bids the youngest of the six Take up a well-bound heap of stick… They thought it was an old man’s m…
We are little airy creatures, All of different voice and feature… One of us in glass is set, One of us you’ll find in jet. T’other you may see in tin,
The Dean would visit Market-Hill… Our invitation was but slight; I said ‘Why let him, if he will:’ And so I bade Sir Arthur write. His manners would not let him wait…
The nymph who wrote this in an amo… I cannot but envy the pride of her… Which thus she will venture profus… On so mean a design, and a subject… For mean’s her design, and her sub…
I am jet black, as you may see, The son of pitch and gloomy night: Yet all that know me will agree, I’m dead except I live in light. Sometimes in panegyric high,
Spite of Dutch friends and Englis… Poor Britain shall have peace at… Holland got towns, and we got blow… But Dunkirk’s ours, we’ll hold it… We have got it in a string,
This city can omit no opportunity of expressing their hearty affection for her majesty’s person and government; and their regard for your grace, who has the honour of representing her i...
Harley, the nation’s great support… Returning home one day from court, His mind with public cares possest… All Europe’s business in his brea… Observed a parson near Whitehall,
I will not build on yonder mount; And, should you call me to account… Consulting with myself, I find It was no levity of mind. Whate’er I promised or intended,
From London to Exon, By special direction, Came down the world’s wonder, Sir Salathiel Blunder, With a quoif on his head
By an old––––pursued, A crazy prelate, and a royal prude… By dull divines, who look with env… On ev’ry genius that attempts to r… And pausing o’er a pipe, with doub…
When Naboth’s vineyard look’d so… The king cried out, ‘Would this w… And yet no reason could prevail To bring the owner to a sale. Jezebel saw, with haughty pride,