All-ruling tyrant of the earth, To vilest slaves I owe my birth, How is the greatest monarch blest, When in my gaudy livery drest! No haughty nymph has power to run
Frail glass! thou mortal art as we… Though none can tell which of us f…
Sure never did man see A wretch like poor Nancy, So teazed day and night By a Dean and a Knight. To punish my sins,
When Naboth’s vineyard look’d so… The king cried out, ‘Would this w… And yet no reason could prevail To bring the owner to a sale. Jezebel saw, with haughty pride,
As, when a lofty pile is raised, We never hear the workmen praised, Who bring the lime, or place the s… But all admire Inigo Jones: So, if this pile of scattered rhym…
Pallas, observing Stella’s wit Was more than for her sex was fit, And that her beauty, soon or late, Might breed confusion in the state… In high concern for human kind,
When a holy black Swede, the son… With a saint at his chin and a sea… Shall not see one New-Years-day i… Then let old England make good ch… Windsor and Bristol then shall be
TO THE LORD TREASURER… 1710 Atlas, we read in ancient song, Was so exceeding tall and strong, He bore the skies upon his back,
LEST it may more quarrels breed, I will never hear you read. By disputing, I will never, To convince you once endeavour. III
The Farmer’s Goose, who in the S… Has fed without Restraint, or Tro… Grown fat with Corn and Sitting s… Can scarce get o’er the Barn-Door… And hardly waddles forth, to cool
Careful Observers may fortel the… (By sure Prognosticks) when to dr… While Rain depends, the pensive C… Her Frolicks, and pursues her Tai… Returning Home at Night, you’ll f…
All folks who pretend to religion… Allow there’s a HELL, but disput… But, if HELL may by logical rule… The place of the damned –I’ll tel… Wherever the damned do chiefly abo…
Charming oysters I cry: My masters, come buy, So plump and so fresh, So sweet is their flesh, No Colchester oyster
This day (the year I dare not tel… Apollo play’d the midwife’s part; Into the world Corinna fell, And he endued her with his art. But Cupid with a Satyr comes;
Robin to beggars with a curse, Throws the last shilling in his pu… And when the coachman comes for pa… The rogue must call another day. Grave Harry, when the poor are pr…