With a whirl of thought oppress’d, I sunk from reverie to rest. A horrid vision seized my head, I saw the graves give up their dea… Jove, arm’d with terrors, bursts t…
ON RAINY days alone I dine Upon a chick and pint of wine. On rainy days I dine alone And pick my chicken to the bone; But this my servants much enrages,
While, Stella, to your lasting pr… The Muse her annual tribute pays, While I assign myself a task Which you expect, but scorn to ask… If I perform this task with pain,
We are little airy creatures, All of different voice and feature… One of us in glass is set, One of us you’ll find in jet. T’other you may see in tin,
Corinna, Pride of Drury-Lane, For whom no Shepherd sighs in vai… Never did Covent Garden boast So bright a batter’d, strolling T… No drunken Rake to pick her up,
Tormented with incessant pains, Can I devise poetic strains? Time was, when I could yearly pay My verse to Stella’s native day: But now unable grown to write,
THE shepherds and the nymphs were… Pleading before the Cyprian Queen… The counsel for the fair began Accusing the false creature, man. The brief with weighty crimes was…
The Thresher Duck, could o’er the… The Proverb says; No Fence again… From threshing Corn, he turns to… For which Her My allows him Grai… Though ’tis confess’t, that those…
This day, whate’er the Fates decr… Shall still be kept with joy by me… This day then let us not be told, That you are sick, and I grown ol… Nor think on our approaching ills,
Ye poets ragged and forlorn, Down from your garrets haste; Ye rhymers, dead as soon as born, Not yet consign’d to paste; I know a trick to make you thrive;
From distant regions Fortune send… An odd triumvirate of friends; Where Phoebus pays a scanty stipe… Where never yet a codling ripen’d: Hither the frantic goddess draws
Harley, the nation’s great support… Returning home one day from court, His mind with public cares possest… All Europe’s business in his brea… Observed a parson near Whitehall,
Death went upon a solemn day At Pluto’s hall his court to pay; The phantom having humbly kiss’d His grisly monarch’s sooty fist, Presented him the weekly bills
By something form’d, I nothing am… Yet everything that you can name; In no place have I ever been, Yet everywhere I may be seen; In all things false, yet always tr…
The Scottish hinds, too poor to h… In frosty nights their starving co… While not a blade of grass or hay Appears from Michaelmas to May, Must let their cattle range in vai…