You think I’ve got it all figured… I don’t know what’s more wrong I’ve only seen just a glimpse of… You’ve been Her all along
Because you exist Is the best reason For you to persist
I’m in the darkness You can’t intervene It’s just what I need For light to shine clean
It’s quite a process To create a person
Don’t try to be divine ‘Cause we’ve always been Just try to be yourself My out fits your in
You are eternal. Your essence will always exist. You will always be, You. Enjoy it!
Always late Mostly great That’s just how we roll. Got minute For a hit
There’s shit on your face You just threw up in your mouth Couldn’t be cuter
I choose to be The Most Unclean So you can see The God in thee
I write You read I talk You listen I huff
My love is like a laser beam To melt you down and make you crea… It comes and goes just like a drea… Because the bright is touch obscen…
Martins are a special breed Set apart from rest, indeed Took me in when was in need Of a home and love extreme
Face down in gutter again Seems to be my closest friend Where I land time and again Nothing new except the end
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms
Mostly I want To be myself Something special To someone else