I’m not sure how I’ve come this f… From sinking pit to shooting star. Could it be when I loved my scars… Or when I chose to be this bard? Maybe, it happened, as a lark.
She’s a bad-ass bitch That talks with a lisp And I pity the fool that would fi… She’ll shove your face in the dirt And make your everything hurt
I have a grip that’s never loose That’s why I always get my goose I dig my claws into your soul Until I’m your silver and gold
I am homeless Not because I live in my car But, because my home is in the arm… And I forget what that feels like
I lived today. I breathed. I moved. I was. I hope I helped.
I live a beautiful fantasy Standing before surging human seas Caught up in their own revelry Of my soul laid bare for all to se…
When we realize That our imperfections are Our emperfections
Mom and Dad don’t love you They’re already tuned To their own sweet song Fireflies in June You are just an extra
If this world’s taught me nothing… It’s that you have to fend for sel… From gnashing teeth and twisted mo… Or sneaky fox in the hen house
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
I really love how the moonlight Reveals the sparkle in your eyes And how the cold accentuates The feelings shown across your fac… How every time you take a breath
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
You create yourself Then see better solutions Cue evolution
Don’t give me your heart I can’t bear that pain Being lonely hurts less Than giving you my name
I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old