Altar. Heads bowed. Down through
Product. Designed as such. Milled and honed.
Pecking order. Top to bottom. Things get
Choreographed. Wound up. Existence. Wound tight.
Forms. Platonic forms. A world apart.
Structure. Cosmic structure. Floating through a
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Manipulation. Life manipulates. Folds the mind.
Power. Weakness. Seductive force. Seductive
Grip. Tighter and tighter. Boa constrictor,
Thought stream. Rivulets coursing through.
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.
Layers. Multidimensional beings. Reality inhabits
Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Packaging. What’s outside. Wrapping, covering,