Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Animal world. Instincts run amok.
Artist. Artist’s touch. Countless palettes,
End Game. Process. Mechanism of creation. Evolution.
Mechanism. Way of things. Creations design,
Valhalla. Gods, living in the cloud.
Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Narratives. Warring words. Controlling words.
Mindscape. Mental state. Mental objects.
Time. Indifferent. Irrelevant. Cares not. Uninvolved
Seed its been planted. Deep down
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Solitude. Quiet reflection. Plumbing soul,
Look. Listen. Learn. Much to absorb.
Rooms. Existence is full. Full of rooms.