The way. The way it was. Instincts interactions.
Receiver. Where’s existence? Self. Where’s
Contrivance. Human history beliefs, contrived.
Fields of energy. Fields of thought. Information
Deep. Deep into the bowels of time.
Time. Indifferent. Irrelevant. Cares not. Uninvolved
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.
Cosmic creation. Minds. Transforming. From nothing
Confusion. What to think, believe? Complex
Become. What? What we become. Past
Clay. Clay People. Malleable. Time/location sculpts.
Storm front. Rolling in. Clouds on the
Great or not. Those who were once, are no
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others
Solitude. Quiet reflection. Plumbing soul,