Thought. Realm of ideas. Infinite realm
Dot. Dot in the void. Endless
Glass darkly. Reflections. Perceptions of creation.
What now? Where to now? Place in time. Now.
Meant to be. Who! Who was I meant
Mindless. Knowledge accumulation. Books carry information.
Mind. A malleable thing. Easily molded, manipulated,
Flash. Moment. Merely a moment. Firefly
Understanding. Knowledge. The scale. Knowledge scale.
Digital aether. Created, man made. Zeros
Dogma. Minds shackled. Fixed. Trained
Personal odds. Personal time, space.
Soul wars. Deluged. Overwhelmed. Swamped. Mind
Spirits. Immaterial sentience. Incarnate. Coalescing
Fields of energy. Fields of thought. Information