Bumblebee. Designed to do what bees do.
Celestials. Vibrations of creation. Sirens calling.
Quest. Meaning. Searching for meaning. Questioning.
Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad
Theosophical. Ripples of oneness. Creation’s ripples
Mechanism. Way of things. Creations design,
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Culmination. All just culmination. Modernity. Reflection.
Never land. Vaporized into the never land. Creation.
Never ending. Time. Space. Endless. Worlds
Lemmings. Scripted. Vistas. Endless. Endless
Timeless. Time, a sentient construct. Derived
Outside the lines, where some choose to be.
Dynamics. Human dynamics. Organization. From the
Awakening. It arrives. Sensing. Observing. Absorbing.