New god. Replaces. New focus. Man made. One god
Birthing. Cosmic birth. Resonance. Vibrations.
Madness. Battling narratives. War of ideas,
Science and Religion. Humanity’s search engines.
A.I. Good or bad? Human nature,
Layers. Multidimensional beings. Reality inhabits
Perspective. Personal perspective. Point of view.
Sparks. Firefly like. Popping in and
Blending. Evil. Why evil? Why good for that
Grumpy Old Men. Always wondered. Grumpy old men. Where
Valhalla. Gods, living in the cloud.
Empire. Spinning island of stars. Sparks
Dream. I met myself in a dream.
Rituals. Ancient. Performance. Holding ancients
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.