Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Deafening. Eons past. Faceless millions charge.
Programmable. Mind permeating control. Constant
Alteration. At first, subtle. Subtle alterations.
Beliefs. Born into a world full of
Jungle. Where the animals are. All within. Within the
Programmers Brew. Coded. Programmed in from the
Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad
Frightful. Reality is a frightful place.
Stories. So many stories. Layer after
Free will. Beginning to end. Birth to death.
God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Enigma. Existence. Being. Gordian knot.
Eyes open. There it is! Stage unfolds.
Perspective. Personal perspective. Point of view.