Games. The game, it is a foot. Puppet
New god. Replaces. New focus. Man made. One god
Free will. Beginning to end. Birth to death.
Creation. Designed. Designed by genesis.
Cloud. Inward flow. Information accumulation.
Eyes open. There it is! Stage unfolds.
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Living. The realm of sight and sound. Ripples
Programmers Brew. Coded. Programmed in from the
Narratives. Warring words. Controlling words.
Eyes. Behind the eyes. Where the soul
The way. The way it was. Instincts interactions.
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Humanity’s gods. What did they do?
Days. One after the other. Each a cell