Realms within realms. Within realms. Cascading,
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Swamp. Day one. Tick-tock. The clock starts
Ultimate. Control. Power. Greed. Human
Arrives. Not from afar. From
Mirage. Inside. All’s inside. What’s
Observation. Perception. Mental state based. Reality,
Flowing. Waves of energy, information. Flowing
Mythology. Greatest mysteries. Humanity’s greatest
Narrative. Warring narratives. Digital battlefield.
People. Come and go. Doing so by the
Clay. Clay People. Malleable. Time/location sculpts.
Synergy. Interactions. Touches. Cross currents. Stuff of
Look! Look around. Soon, nothing
Dot. Dot in the void. Endless