Substrate. Mysterious. Realm of origin. Probability,
Emergence. Intelligence emergence. Rising from the
The box. Placed at birth. Configured as such.
Valley of the dark. From one rim
Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Frozen. Frozen reflections. What’s looking
Dynamic vibrations, undulations. Quantum existence.
Cosmic gallery. Works of art. One after the next.
Believing. What’s seen. What’s told. What’s taught. Accepting
Mindless. Knowledge accumulation. Books carry information.
All. All human endeavor. Millions of years
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Empty streets. Empty stores. Empty
Wheel. Spinning wheel. Gyrations through.
Pollination. Cross pollination. Global chats. Virtual