Cosmic score. Reverberations. Echos. Reflections. Creativity
Far flung. Long from now. Distant time.
Emotionless. Future speak. Language reflecting.
Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic
Forms. Field of forms. Field of probability,
Next. What’s next? The future
Generator. Conduit. Rippled structure. All passes
Inexplicable. Being. The wonder of being. Simply
Dark passage. From there to here to there. Spitfire
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Wool. Manipulation. Powers that be. Eyes
Ritual. Comfort in ritual. Dark forbodding
Perspective. Personal perspective. Point of view.
Archaic beliefs. What we believe. Why we
Octopus. Growing. Spreading. Tentacles expanding.