Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Pointless. Sense of the ridiculous. Life,
Days. One after the other. Each a cell
Fields of creation. Uncertainty. Ripe with
Light. Spotlight. Shinning. Focused, surrounded.
Packaging. What’s outside. Wrapping, covering,
Vessels. Empty vessels. Hardware. Biological
Passing through. One stop along the way.
Altered. Believe. What will be believed?
Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Grumpy Old Men. Always wondered. Grumpy old men. Where
New god. Replaces. New focus. Man made. One god
Mist. Fog. Quantum fog. Stuff of
Bits to bytes. Connection. Knowledge. Human
Altar. Heads bowed. Down through