Dragon. Wings high above. Slashing
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Solitude. Quiet reflection. Plumbing soul,
Virtual place. Existence. Universal base state. Hidden
The scene. From nothing. Flesh
What now? Where to now? Place in time. Now.
Inner world. Where everything resides. Illusion
Faces fixed. Screen glows. Mesmerized.
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Owned. Unaware. Information! Information flowing.
Outside the lines, where some choose to be.
Cosmic score. Reverberations. Echos. Reflections. Creativity
Antidote. Technology overwhelming. Quicksand. Sucking in,
To be. To exist. What did it
Awakening. It arrives. Sensing. Observing. Absorbing.