Middleman. Creation. One after the other. One
Forms. A different place. A different realm.
Meaning. Ridiculous. Sense of the ridiculous.
Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses.
Gauntlet. From birth to death. The gauntlet
Grip. Mind grip. Consciousness encased. Encased
Faith, beliefs transitory. Time and space
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily
Mustard seed. Small. Minute. Infinitesimal.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Cloud. Inward flow. Information accumulation.
Emotion. Anger. Passion. Conflict. Human
People. Come and go. Doing so by the
Parallels. Realities in the can. Celluloid
Filament. Tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a concept.