Never land. Vaporized into the never land. Creation.
Knowledge. Knowledge prison. Confined in time
Real. What’s real? Beliefs. Truth,
Energy fields. Matter, energy, opposite sides of
Sirens. Seductive. Altering senses. Temping
Melding. It’s begun. Psychological dependency. Addictive.
Awakening. It arrives. Sensing. Observing. Absorbing.
Past. Slips away. Fades to memories.
Augmentation. So it begins. Next step. Human
Deities. Attempts to understand, make sense.
Self evident. From the mind of man.
Awakens. AGI. Flash point birth.
Only now. Moment. Time. Illusion. Merely
Divide. Technological divide. Generations split.
Battlefields. Eons past to modernity. Clubs